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John Allen

Deputy John Allen of the Clark County Sheriff's Office


September 22, 1928


Floyd Hubbard, who killed John Allen was in Vegas this afternoon in the custody of the sheriff of Mohave County, Arizona, and accompanied by the district attorney. They are on their way to the scene of the killing to make an investigation.

While here Hubbard made a statement in which he claimed that the shooting was done in self defense…

OVERTON, Sept 22 (Special)–

John Allen was killed Wednesday at Pahcoon Arizona. It is alleged either by Jack Walsh or Floyd Hubbard of both.

Jack Walsh’s father claims that Hubbard shot Allen and would not allow John Mosby, a neighbor to go near the body. Allen was left lying in the sun where he fell.

Both Jack Walsh and Floyd Hubbard passed through Overton Wednesday headed north. It is alleged that they killed Allen and then fled.

John Mosby reported the killing at Overton last evening and a posse and coroner’s jury left for the scene early this morning headed by Deputy Sheriff Joseph Frehner of Mojave County, Arizona, in which the crime was committed. They will collect what evidence there is and bring back the body.

Sheriff Brewer and District Attorney Smith of Mojave County are expected in Overton this afternoon to follow up the case.

The murder tale recited in the above dispatch is the bloody sequel of a queer tale.

Trouble between John Allen and Floyd Hubbard and jack Walsh came to a crisis soon after July 1, the year when Allen lost some 14 heard of horse and accused Hubbard and Walsh of stealing them. The stealing was alleged to have been done in Clark County, Nevada.

Allen came to Las Vegas, laid his story before District Attorney Harmon and a complaint and warrants were issued. Because the defendants lived across the line in Arizona and avoid extradition proceedings, Allen, complaining witness, was deputized by the sheriff and given the warrants.

When Hubbard appeared on this side of the line Allen arrested him and brought him to the Clark county jail. Walsh was not apprehended.

OVERTON, Sept 24 (Special)–

Verdict of meeting this morning withheld. Smith and Brewer have taken Hubbard to Kingman but it is not known what they will do with him.

It has been proven that Allen had considerable money on his person when he left here but only two dollars was found on his body.

Every evidence shows that Allen was beaten to death then carried to this lonely spot and shot but definite proof has not been shown to prove this.

It is also been proven that Allen carried only seven shells with him when he left and the same were found on his body undischarged.


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